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Reporting an Absence

Every day counts! School success starts with attendance. 

Parents/guardians are no longer permitted to call the school regarding student-related absences or tardies. Only messages received through email communication will be submitted into the student's records. 

All email communications should contain the student's name, grade, reasoning for absence and your relationship to the student. Assisting documents can be attached to the email or can be sent with your student. 

  • Please allow 24 hours to pass for attendance records to update.
  • Absences or tradies not reported will be labeled as "unexcused."

Reason(s) for an absence

  • Appointments – a doctor's note is necessary for your student is to be considered Excused Exempt (EE) if at ortho, dentist, pediatrician, etc. 
  • Illness (mention nature of illness such as flu, stomach virus, pink eye, strep, etc.)
  • Bereavement
  • Religious Holiday
  • Vacation
  • College visit or school-related event
Photo of paper with attendance report

If your student(s) will be absent from the Early Childhood Center for any reason during the academic year, please provide a detailed report of their absence to the attendance office in a timely manner.

Email Laura Tinsley